it's flexible
Cute Slider is responsive, this mean's it has a high functionality on wide range of screen sizes in any devices. It can adapt itself to any screen sizes for achieving best viewing case.
Interested in Cute Slider? It's only $12, so do not waste the time. Let's get started.
Get It Now!Cute Slider is responsive, this mean's it has a high functionality on wide range of screen sizes in any devices. It can adapt itself to any screen sizes for achieving best viewing case.
Tired of boring flat sliders? Looking for a unique slider? Here's what you want, with Cute Slider you will be able to show your slides with awesome 3D & 2D transitions. Cute Slider makes your ideas alive, It gives you what you desire,you can use it as an advanced 2D slider with tons of 2D transitions, or add third dimension to your slider and create a unique and impressive 3D slider.
It contains five unique and ready to use templates. You will get 5 different 3D and 2D slider templates in one package. So you just need to select your prefered or modify each one to create your own slider.
More transitions, more variety! It's like cooking! Cute Slider brings you lots of preset transitions, lots of spices! So let's create a new taste. What is your slider taste?!
Cute Slider takes advantage of best available browser features. It uses CSS3 Transform 3D in webkit-based browsers, in other HTML5 support browsers, it takes canvas feature and in old browsers it switches to 2D mode.
You don't have to worry. It doesn't matter where you see the Cute Slider, It will work in any PCs with any browsers, Tablets and Mobile devices with the best possible viewing method. It works!
Roll, select, use. Cute Slider comes with extremely rich transition gallery that provides the best way to browse through 100+ transitions. Just roll over the transitions and select your preferred one, and hit build button. It's done!
You have the ability to redesign or edit each part of slider from scratch! You can modify colors, dimensions, positions,... It has everything you need, to make your desire image slider.